
Thursday, 5 June 2014

Star struck...

Honestly, there is something strange that has happened to me,…
Normally when I meet a person who I admire I might feel a bit inspired and of course lucky to have met them. The feeling lasts for 5 minutes on average.
Not this time..

Yesterday I went to a one-day conference event entitled; Inspiring Women in Academic Medicine and the Medical Sciences. Normally I think of these events as quite patronising (what kind of scientist am I if I need that kind of backing??!) but decided to go anyway (they had free lunch if nothing else..)

And then it happened. BOOM.
I fell in love with Professor Dame Sally Davies…. She is amazing. Crude. Funny. Powerful. Earns more than most officers of the government (and is not ashamed of it). This is my new hero.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Numero Uno

Jahapp, så en annan doktorerar tydligen på Storbritanniens bästa universitet! :)

Etta i tabellen för kemiinstitutioner. Betyder inte så mycket för mig egentligen, men det är ju jättebra för alla mina studenter som precis tagit sin kemistexamen och vill ut på arbetsmarknaden.


Som en gammal skumtomte, som liksom blivit intrampad i strumpan under trettondagshelgen, så känns hjärnan min. Seeeeg..., platt och full av gammalt skräp och damm..

Sitter och suger i mig morgonens latte och hoppas på lite energi... En sak som dock gör mig glad är att jag har en jättefin randig klänning, i typ jympabyx-tyg, att ha på mig. Skööön!

Jävlar! Spillde kaffe på golvet precis när jag skulle ta kort! Aja..
Näpp, nu får jag nog åka in till kontoret och skriva lite! Håller på med en rolig grej just nu, så det hjälper ju lite i alla fall. :)

Monday, 2 June 2014

What’s the deal with this video!??!!

I have seen this video popping up in my Facebook feed very often recently and its DRIVING ME NUTS!!

If you’re lucky enough to have missed it, and don’t want to put yourself through it, here is a summary:
Boy gets lost. Boy uses Google Maps to find his destination. Boy misses the opportunity to talk ask a girl directions. This girl was his ONE AND ONLY. Cue sad music and the story of how this boy lost out on a beautiful life.
Ignoring the obvious flaws …
(1 = there is no such thing as one person for you, 2 = You probably miss out on lots of opportunities to talk to someone you’d get on with and find shaggable every day, even without Google Maps)
… When did everyone around me turn in to such fossils?!?

The technology available today is simply stunning, and I feel so privileged to be alive in this exciting time! Every time I watched Star Trek as a kid in the early nineties I WANTED A TABLET SO BADLY..

And now, when I've got one I almost have to pinch myself! Coooooooolll!!!!!!

Humans have adapted to industrial and technological revolutions just fine, and OK, perhaps keeping our heads bent down over Google maps (or, you know, a paper map....) means we're missing out on THAT particular moment,.  In return, the use of social media means we are spreading news, art, events, ideas, and so on at lighting speed! Amazing.

I can't wait to see what is next!

//  Tee  --  Prepared to live long and prosper, thanks to modern technology


Watched The Conjuring last night...... OMFG. WHY DID I DO THAT??

Got completely freaked out last night... and still am.... What was that noise from the wardrobe just now??!!?

Better get off to Uni! Busy day with the finalisation of a paper and some meetings and preparations for a conference.

//  Tee  --  Running for the bus.... and away from weird ass witches hiding in the wardrobe...

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Sunday, lovely sunday..

.. and I'm on my way for some shopping! Thank God the large shopping centres are open late, even on a sunday! Otherwise someone like me, who will sleep for 10h straight if given the chance wouldn't get anything done..
In fact, last night me and K went to the 24 hour supermarket and did a huge food shop... at 2am. I don't know what I would do if the shops still only had conventional opening hours.

Very chic with my favourite silk scarf! :)
Time to get something nice to my brother who turns 20 in June . Exciting!

// Tee -- I can't believe he is that "old"... when did that happen??!! Didn't he just stop wearing nappies?!